“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
Winston Churchill

Early this month, April 2, 2024 to be exact, I had a dream that changed my perspective on What IS. It wasn’t just the fact in this dream, so many people were working together by offering their Spiritual Gifts and Talents for the greater good. It was the fact that HAVING spiritual gifts and talents is something to be celebrated, not something to be ashamed of or to hide.

I say this as black mystic, an under represented group of talented people who aren’t making boatloads of money, who aren’t being promoted and celebrated. For most of my life, I have felt shamed and scorned by the ‘churchgoers” of my community.

The same people who go to church on Sunday morning and who will happily run you down in the parking lot as soon as church is over.

I have been called a witch, a bitch, a psychic snoop, etc. I can’t help it if the lies people tell show up in my dreams or when I catch the liar IRL. Not. MY. Fault.

My dream demanded that I finally LISTEN to MYSELF. That I acknowledge my fears, and ACT Anyway! This has been a theme for over a week now. See the thing, be Afraid and ACT ANYWAY.

So, when I say my dream wants me to Choose to Be More, to CHOOSE to FEEL what is in my HEART, maybe this applies to you as well.

CHOOSE YOUR HEART by Acknowledging YOUR FEELINGS. Honor YOURSELF! Let the bullshit fall by the wayside.

This IS the TIME WE have WAITED For. It is Here. It IS Now!

ARE YOU READY to BE Courageous?????? Let me know by reaching out. Just say HEY!

I got a bunch of great pictures from the eclipse. I will be sharing them for the rest of the year. Crazy thing is, I didn’t KNOW I got the pictures, since I was blindly pointing the camera at the sky and clicking. Awesome discovery!

Thanks for reading!


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