My Life As a Mermaid

Are you looking for information on Mermaids! You’ve come to the right place!

Mermaids are one of my favorite “mythical” creatures. But what if they are real? My Life As A Mermaid began in 2011. Life had been quite challenging for me. I began this blog and lost my greatest champion, my Godmother (Mama) Writa Johnson. It was a year that followed the absolute worst year of my life. Illness, depression, I almost gave up hope in 2010. The crushing blow of losing Mama the week AFTER I started this blog was enough to make me want to stop breathing. But I didn’t. I paid attention to my messages and continued writing.

I always loved mermaids. So, imagine my astonishment when a message I received stated I was to write a book about a past life – as a mermaid. People already think I am crazy, this pushes things into the certifiable stage. Still, I listened and did exactly what I was told. This book is the result. If mermaids resonate with you, check out the links below and buy my book! There may be actual reasons you have the feelings, intuitions and beliefs you hold. They may be based in a lifetime as a mermaid!

In January 2021, a new monthly magazine opened for submissions. The Name? MERMAIDS MONTHLY! If you are here looking for all things Mermaids, check them out!
Mermaids Monthly!

Check out my “interview on Mermaids Monthly, the May 2021 edition!

Mermaid Monthly interview with Michelle D. Smith

I recently discovered an article that corroborates something I wrote in my book regarding living spaces for mermaids.That article is called Deep Water Corals Are Capable of Producing Their Own Sunlight! This article was published on July 11, 2017! I wrote the book in 2011. How amazing is that? Please check it out for yourself.

Here is another recent link showing deep sea sponges, creating their own light!

Bioluminescent deep sea carnivorous sponge.

My Life As A Mermaid is available as an ebook and paperback NOW! You can purchase online at your favorite bookstore! Just Click HERE or there!

Please leave a review. I love to hear your feedback about my little mermaid tale!


mermaid, mermaid life, life as a mermaid, past live, reincarnation

As a long time reader of Tom Moore’s “The Gentle Way”, I received another reminder that I am not alone in my quest to share information from the mermaids. Tom has done so himself in the past. You can check out his latest blog here!

On December 15, 2016 the Baltimore County Public Library selected My Life As A Mermaid for inclusion in their Local Author Collection! While I WAS in the library briefly, books have to be BORROWED to keep them viable! Libraries are a service. Please use them!

I did some online “research and discovered two sites that shed additional light on mermaids. The names are hot linked. Check them out if this information calls to you. The first site I found was Universal Symbolism – Mermaid Symbolism

The second site was an actual research paper. It is far more detailed and goes beyond mere symbols. Traits of Mermaid Woman is a fascinating look at some (or most) of the character traits of women who have or believe they have BEEN a mermaid! Be open minded and take a look. Information is power, especially when it helps YOU understand YOU!

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